Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome our new baby girls

When I got to the hospital yesterday morning, things started moving pretty fast. I was there no more than 10 minutes and the resident doctor came in to check to see how she was doing and stated that it was time to go into delivery. My first born daughter is Lauren Elizabeth and Mom was incredible and delivered her naturally with no epidural. She weighed in at 3 lb 8 oz and 16 1/2" long. She was born about 10:15 AM on Thursday. My second born daughter, Emily Ann was breach and had to be turned. The doctor was checking on her position and Emily grabbed his finger and would not let go inside the womb. They quickly decided to do a C-section and that went very well. Emily was born about 1 hour later and weighed in at 3 lb 9 oz and 16 1/2" long. They are in the NICU and sharing a room. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. The top photo is Emily Ann and the bottom photo is Lauren Elizabeth.

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