Thursday, November 6, 2008

Into a room

J.M. has been moved into his own room. It took a while, but one on the floor where they wanted the neurology patients finally became available (we are thankful). He has been taking his pain meds at regular intervals and had a dose of Tylenol at 9 PM. The pain meds are now as needed. He had another does of Zofran at around 7:30 PM and a pop sickle at 8 PM. So far so good. I am staying the night to keep him company and help out.

Some background on why we are in Alabama:

J.M.G. is a forcep delivery baby with birth trauma. Mom was in labor for about 12 hours and she and J.M. were not showing any signs of stress. We were informed that insurance would not pay for a C section, thus the option was use of a forcep. We preferred the C section route at the beginning. He then spent the next ten days in Children's Mercy recovering from a fractured scull, needing a blood transfusion, and jaundice. We have done all of the medical follow up and at two years of age they pronounced that he was doing well and meeting normal milestones. That is when we started to notice the muscle tone issues with his left leg and the neurologist scheduled an MRI on August 11 for follow up. The MRI professionals found the syrnix and he was diagnosed with the chairi 0

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